That they may have life!
That they may have life!
That they may have life!
That they may have life!
That they may have life!
That they may have life!
That they may have life!
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Our Mission

What is M10:10?

Mission 10:10 – In the Bible Jesus declares in John 10:10…
“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
Mission 10:10 believes that God’s intention was not for us to simply exist, but live abundant, full lives. An abundant life starts with basic needs being met.
Knowledge of Christ, food, water, shelter, medical care, education, and family are essential to live an abundant life. In order to impact the world for Christ, we focus on one community at a time and plan to duplicate the model as we see our communities live abundantly!

Our Vision

One person at a time. One church at a time. One community at a time. One country at a time. Any significant change starts with the life of just one…
Just one orphan
Just one Parent
Just one widow.
Through Christ, they learn to believe that an abundant life IS possible as we hold their hand through healing and empowering. We are not asking for child sponsorship, but to support family building.  We need your support to transform the lives of kids, women, and families, thus transforming the nation.
See what’s different here

Our Core Values

Our values are the Biblical values of our Heavenly Father. God tells us to go to the outer parts of the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ. We at Mission 10:10 are answering this call.
The Bible says that all people are created in the image of God and are very important to Him, therefore, everyone is important to us. Love is at the core of the Bible’s teachings and we aim to use love as the primary Biblical principal to empower the people in Ethiopia to achieve their most abundant life.
Kalkidan Belay
Beti Tesfa
Kalkidan Mesfin

Staff Sponsorship

You can help support Mission 10:10 through staff sponsorship.  $60 a month helps support their work and helps us reach more children.  You will be able to communicate and build relationship with a staff member, and through your giving and joined prayer impact the Kingdom for Jesus.

You can give as little or as much as you feel called to give. Wether it’s $5/month or $60, your support connects in a miraculous way.   Join together with your church group, office colleagues, extended family, or your youth group.
**Joint sponsorship and group sponsorship is highly encouraged**


On The Street

Mission 10:10 strives to change the lives of “street’ kids.  Orphaned or abandon to survive on their own, these kids know very little about real love or family.
Mission 10:10 provides a safe place for these boys and girls, to get a meal, clean water, clothes, but more importantly they experience the love of Jesus.
Through love, training, and counseling, our goal is not to institutionalize these children but to support Christian families, giving them the ability to provide family structure, and an abundant future.

Show Their Value

Mission 10:10 also recognizes the plight of the widow.  Many women, left without a husband, have no way to provide for themselves or kids.  They are often viewed as worthless.  Mission 10:10 hopes to show these ladies their value, to God, and to the community. 
Through generous donations we are teaching skills and providing 
resources to these women that allow them to work, and live, and provided from a position of value.
God does not forget broken hearted people (Psalm 34:18), He values them abundantly.

Finding Families

Mission 10:10 was founded by orphan care workers and adoptive families.  We love the care our kids received in a Christian orphanage.  But all to often kids become too old to stay, have little opportunity, and return to poverty, hopelessness, and away from the church.
Mission 10:10 sees a new way.  Rather than an orphanage we create family units, partnered with the local church and the community.  Our goal is to support families to love and care for kids and to connect them with the church.  We can change a community by supporting strong families.

On a Mission 2018

On a Mission 2019

On a Mission 2022

On a Mission 2023


Jason Fremouw
Fekadu Shenkute
Ethiopia Director
Krista Hands
Brooke Fremouw
Board Secretary
Pattie Hansen
Sponsorship Coordinator
Bereket Lelissa
Community Development
Mark Sharp
Voice of Encouragement
Carol Fryer
 Voice of Calm
Temesgen Hands
 Voice of Experience

MISSION10:10 Staff

(family really)




Mission 10:10 is recruiting sponsors to prayerful consider an on going monthly gift.  This is not the traditional “sponsor a child.”  You will providing a family with the ability to support a child as their own, allowing children who have been abandoned to grow up knowing that God and a Christian family love them.  If you would like more information on Family Sponsorship,


Looking for a mission trip experience for your church, college group, or family?  Consider joining Mission 10:10.  Our team will put you to work.  Be it out in the streets playing soccer, providing food, and sharing The Word with kids, or helping at the transition facility, or working with the local church to host VBS and other outreach, we have a place to serve. 


More than anything we need your prayers.  Pray for the people of Ethiopia, Mission 10:10, its workers, and pray for people’s hearts to be opened up to the needs of others, no matter where they live.  Mission 10:10 wants you to find your mission.  God is calling us all to be Jesus to a world in need of Him.  Please join us in committed prayer for the mission of Jesus and the support of families in Ethiopia.

Your Support Is Vital