Jeff Hands

jeffkristaJeff is a pastor and a founding board member of Mission 10:10. Jeff and his wife Krista met at church while attending separate high schools and were married 4 years later in 1998. After graduating from Southern Nazarene University (OK), in 2000, with a technology management degree, he began working, while Krista completed graduate school, and they served together in their local church.  In 2007 Jeff was called to full time church ministry, serving as a youth minister in Ohio and now as a senior pastor in Oklahoma City.
Jeff and Krista were called by God to adopt through amazing and devastating circumstances.  A genetic family illness prompted Jeff and Krista to consider adoption for their family.
By God’s grace Krista was cleared of this disease, and their daughter Abigail was born in 2005, but the Holy Spirit had impressed the cause of the orphan in their life.  Through what can only be described as a “God” thing Jeff and Krista were led to adopt from Ethiopia and in 2008 added Elias to their family, and fell in love with Ethiopia.
Over the next few years Krista led college students on multiple mission trips to Ethiopia.  Jeff and Krista had not lost their heart for the kids there.  In 2012 while on a mission trip God brought Lelise into their lives, hearts, and family, and in 2014 she got to come home.  While arranging their daughter’s trip to the US, Temesgen was placed on the hearts of the Hands family, and a few months later a teenage boy graced their home.
famthunderThrough it all God has continued to bless the Hands family and has connected many people and families of the same heart, leading to the creation of Mission 10:10.  Seeing the beauty of Ethiopia and it’s people will change you, but you will also see the problems many of the children face.  Ever thankful for the Christ relationship these kids received in their orphanage, there is still little hope of an abundant life.  Through Mission 10:10 we hope to bring families and opportunities together to help as God directs each for the glory of His Kingdom.